Saturday, February 23, 2013

Distraction vs Desire

Funny how I just started this blog and I already feel like it is time to talk about distractions while trying to fulfill desires and pursue certain goals. This week I was especially distracted. I had a Pharmacy School interview at the University of Utah and a midterm that took my attention WAY away from my running goals. I was able to put some miles in this week, but not as many as I would have liked. These times come in our lives when we feel overstressed, overworked, and like there is no time in the world for running. It is during these times that our distractions overcome our desires, and we have to find a way around it.

The funny thing about running is how I feel when I do it. I feel free, powerful, unique, capable, and just plain good. I have reached the point where I enjoy running, though I know I still have a long way to go before I can really claim a life of running is enjoyable to me. Nonetheless, I feel better running than during almost any other time. It is a time I get my thoughts together, a time I can calm down and relax, a time for me to just be me, and a time to get to know God a little better. I believe that running makes us better people; more patient, healthier, and stronger willed. We learn more from running than we realize and it helps mold our personalities for the better.

During these busy times we need to always remember why we run. Just to lose a little weight is not reason enough. For distance running there needs to be an enjoyment and love for running that is similar to how kids play when they're young. In the book I recently finished called "Eat and Run" by Scott Jurek, he speaks about finding that feeling of peace that only comes when we let ourselves become a part of the earth that we run on. Remembering the joy of running gets us through the times when we may seem to be losing our desire. Go for a run in some place new. Take off your watch and just go. Take the time to enjoy running again and you'll want to continue on the same road, with the same desires, once again. All it takes is a little remembering to push us forward.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Form and Flavor!

Today during my 9 mile run I tried to incorporate better form into my pace. I have been reading several different books and they all agree on  simple but easy method to make the miles a bit easier. They say that you should imagine a rod going right up your back, head up, never slouching. Then slowly lean forward, at the ankles and not at the hips, until you automatically start jogging. It is using gravity against itself! I have never known what a difference it could make, but over the past couple days, when you hit that wall, lean a little more and let your body just go in automatic. What I also enjoy about this proper form is that is helps with the way you land on your foot. With a leaning-forward motion you are more likely to run with the weight hitting the middle of your foot rather than your heel. Every time you hit with your heel it is like a brutal pounding on your foot and knee. This makes your step lighter and you are less prone to injury. These little changes have helped me during my runs recently.

Another change I have made, starting yesterday, was my breakfast meal. They always stress, "It's the most important meal of the day.." Blah blah. I never took it seriously until I decided to change my breakfast. Rather than a giant bowl of sugary cereal and milk, I decided to start trying a salad for breakfast. Yeah, a bit weird, especially for a guy like me, but it honestly starts the day of right and it has SO much flavor! All I do is take a big handful of spinach (which is great for you digestion, tons of Vit. A & C, with some Calcium and Iron) and sprinkle some nuts over the top (Protein without the meat and fat), and then dump about 1/3 cup of a fruit cocktail, drained, on top (I know I could use fresh fruit but this makes it a bit quicker for me on a busy schedule). I then use just a little Italian dressing (because it has a lot less calories than most dressings). Tons of flavor and you start the day off right! It is especially refreshing after a morning run. Give it a try sometime!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Start of a New Day

Since this is my first post, I guess I better make it good! I have decided to start a blog now, even though it has technically been a month since I started on this journey. I hope to use this blog to both inspire others to make changes in their lives, and to encourage myself and see my own progress. I will use this as a type of journal where I can share the things I have learned during my running or readings. No, I am not a professional runner, and no I do not know it all. I am just another common guy, trying to make something of himself. To be uncommon. To break the rules that society has set out for me. Anyone ever told you "You'll always be big" or "That's just how you are"? I've heard it a million times, and I refuse to accept it. I will work my hardest to be what I want to be. I hope you'll join me in my quest to be different and to determine for yourself who you will be.